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selfie of Marcus outside

Hi! I'm Marcus, a self-taught Programmer!

My focus is on frontend development.

I enjoy taking a design and building it out with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!


Frontend Mentor Challenges

Social Media Dashboard with Theme Switcher

Checkbox toggle for dark theme and OS prefers color scheme

Tip Calculator App

HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

Faq Accordion Card

Flexbox and Vanilla JavaScript

Pod Request Access Landing Page

JavaScript form validation

About Me

My Coding Journey

My first introduction to Programming was in highschool. I wanted to try something different other than art. Didn't go so well. Though, I've always been curious as to how things work, which has always stuck with me. Later in my College years, I remember discovering the browser inspector tool wondering what all that code was! I was interested in learning to code, but, I couldn't find a good guide.

Fast foward many years, I built my own PC, later studied for the A+, then learned to use the command line, that led me back to web development. It was the connection of writing HTML and CSS and visually seeing the immediate output that had me hooked!

After learning the basics, many sources say to start building projects. And it's true! That's where Frontend Mentor comes in. It's the best community for learning frontend development! I have learned so much with each challenge and help from the community. I'm amazed at how far I've come along after beginning my first challenge and it was very challenging then!

I'm currently learning a modular front-end workflow with Webpack. It's really awesome! You can spin up a local development server, bundle assets, use PostCSS, and much more. I've been building other projects from Scrimba and my own side projects too. My next goal is to get a job as a Front-end Developer.


Let's Connect!

My Knowledge and Skills


  • Semantic HTML 5


  • Sass

  • BEM

  • PostCSS


  • Vanilla Javascript

  • Modular Javascript

Design & UX/UI

  • Figma

  • Mobile first approach

  • Responsive design

Development tools & technologies

  • Webpack

  • Gulp

  • VS Code

  • Chrome dev tools

  • Firefox dev tools